Tuberculosis is a great problems of Nepal

It is a communicable chronic granulomatous disease. It is cosmopolitan in distribution. It is common in cigarette smoking tobacco chewing. It usually involves the lungs but may affect any organ or tissue in to the body. It is a very serious chronic bacterial disease. It is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is common in areas with unhygienic conditions. It parasite attacks lungs so called pulmonary tuberculosis. It includes meningitis, millary tuberculosis and involvement of bones and joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, intestine, larynx or skin. It attacks all age group but epidemics have been reported among mine workers, factory, garments and children in crowded classroom. It transmites patient with open lesions, air borne route, by the throat and nasal discharges of infected man, bovine tuberculosis result from tuberculous course and ingestion of unpasteurized of milk and their products. It incubation period is about 4 to 6 weeks. Serious manifestations develop, coughing,, chest pain, bloody sputum, low grade fever and sweating in the day and at night, loss of body weight, fatigue, hoarseness of voice etc. Diagnosis by roentgenogram is confirmed by demonstration of Tubercle bacilli in sputum or gastric washing, by stained smear, concentration and culture or animal inoculation. Treatment in order to avoid multi drug resistant TB, ministry of health has launched DOTS. It is based on six factors; rest, diet, drugs, surgery, rehabilitation and health education. Combination of antimicrobial drugs: Isoniazid, Streptomycin continued for one or more years. Prevention are isolation of TB patient, avoid smoking and working in dust, burning and buried of coughing and BCG vaccination protection.


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