Chemical Origin of life

Oparin(1922), a Russian bio-chemist opined that complex organic compound like carbohydrates, fatty acids, glycerol, aminoacids and proteins. These complex compounds resulted from the simple compounds under the influence of ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiations, electric charges and heat. Primitive stage of the sea water was called hot dilute soup by Haldane(1928)as it was rich in amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. Coacervates are the large organic molecules which were synthesized abiotically on primitive earth. Due to intemolecular attraction they formed large colloidal aggregates. They were capable of growth and division. Sydney fox(1964) called them microsphere and Oparin named them coacervates. Fox bye his experiments demonstrated the formation of proteinoids. There was then gradual origin of macromolecules(polymers) including nucleic acid, followed by origin of Genetic code and finally the giant molecules of nucleoproteins. These giant molecules could be compared to the presents day viruses and were termed as protovirus(The first living form). The first life appeared in marine water was called protovirus or eobiont or protobiont. It was anaerobic and chemoheterotrophic.

Miller and Urey
The theory of chemical evolution of life has been evidenced by the experiments of Miller and Urey. They provide the formation of carbohydrate and amino acids from a mixture of CH4, NH3, and H2o under the influence of electric discharges experiment about one week. The ratio of gaseous mixture in miller experiment was 2:1:2 (CH4, NH3 and H2).


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